The large family of all the GAUDELs

The GAUDEL in America

Home 1831-Jean François


On the entire website, click on a "First Name LAST NAME" to access the genealogical database.

French immigration to the United States was very small compared to Anglo-Saxon, German, Scandinavian, Slavic and Italian immigration (only about 1.5%).

Only Louisiana, ex French possession sold to the United States in 1803, was populated with numerous French speaking immigrants. Some came directly from France, some were Acadians forcibly removed from Acadia by the British in the 18th century, some were French Canadians immigrants at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. The height of French immigration was in the 1850's, mostly people from Alsace and Lorraine trying to flee the hardships of war and famine. But New York remained the main gateway to America for Europeans in search of a better world.

This web page is dedicated to all the GAUDEL from France who decided to cross the Atlantic to settle in America. On this day of November 2009, my research on the subject is far from complete, and this page will keep evolving as I make new discoveries.

 Here is a non exhaustive early chronology of the departures of the GAUDEL for the new World :

1817- Jacques GAUDEL, bachelor and Jean Louis GAUDEL with four people, all of them from Orbey, leave to America.

1831-Jean François GAUDEL with his family from Lorraine reach the port of New York.

1843- Joseph GAUDEL, 27 years old, emigrate to New-Orléans.

1851- J. L. GAUDEL lands in New York.

1852- Marie Barbe GAUDEL arrives in New-Orléans.

1917- Denise GAUDEL leaves Bordeaux for New York.

1974- Jean Jacques GAUDEL settles in Alabama. 

   My goal is to find the origin and the descendants of these GAUDEL who became Americans.
